joi, 10 februarie 2011


... pe care unii le pot considera obscene.

Sa-mi bag pula in muzica House si in gura aluia de-a inventat-o.

Aceeasi manea imputita cu clape, bass, cuvinte cretine fara noima balmajite cu ecou

miercuri, 9 februarie 2011

in contratimp

Frate, cum mama dracului fac de imi iese numai pe dos?

Era iarna pe strazi si eu bajbaiam aiurea cu motoreta tanjind dupa cauciucurile cu cuie, sa pot sa ma dau in voie in weekenduri pe deal/lac/paduri wherever...

am facut eu ce-am facut, mi-am facut cauciucurile, si am apucat sa ma dau de FIX DOUA ORI!!! then guess what happened? 15 grade, soare cald si bine in oras, nu mai e pic de ghiata, si eu am cuie pe o motoreta, alta nu e pur si simplu facuta sa umble pe vremuri de-astea gloomy(e o balena din nascare), iar la atreia n-am rca...
si conform teoriei porcariei universale daca in mijlocu desertului e un cacat, eu fix in el o sa calc. daca fac un pas fara rca ori ma opreste politia, ori ma ia vreun radar ori ceva se intampla de o sa ma intrebe careva ce si cum.

where do i go wrong?

duminică, 6 februarie 2011

late as usual

Din nou in intarziere, din nou cu restante:)

Deci a fost si blog meeting-ul. Cu multumiri tuturor participantilor

Ce nu a fost posibil de cuvantat in Bourgois, poate fi citit aici(daca nu adormiti pana la final):

Since i know that everybody around our table speaks and understands enghlish, but not everybody understands well romanian, i chose to state the following in english so that afterwards you can all make fun of me/laugh at my missfortunes. First of all I would like to thank all of you for coming here today, and allthough i must admit i wasn't expecting to see unfamiliar faces i am very glad to have all of you here:)

Since this is whole thing is related to my blog, or at least it's using it as an excuse, i thoght. it might be a good idea to 'post' something live, and you being my premium readers can hear it 'as live as it gets'

i gave this post a lot of thinking. what you are about to hear is a brief retrospective of my 2010. Why the retrospective? mainly because i made pace with myself after one hell of a fucking long and difficult year. is living proof of that. the rest of it lies in the conclusion of the hereby post. so without further ado let's get started shell we?

my 2010 started with high wind... so high it really blew my mind for the first couple of days. And yes, the wind was green, it had funloving flavour and funny aftertaste the result of it being a high-ly positive attitude.
it was mid february that brought along a new friend and a trusty riding partner. Alex, aka Surubel. he introduced me and Matusa to Urlati hills, Rujavatz bridges and a cople of other remotely far hisolated places somewhat close to bucharest. By the begining of april he also introduced me to KTM... needless to say it was flashlove. love at frist sight or instant love would not cover it. It was then i decided i have to have one. Tried hard to find a good deal, but there was simply nothing available at that time. So i thought maybe a Yamaha could do the trick. And it did way more then that.

Work sucked big time.

I must admit i was hoping 2010 would bring along a roadtrip in europe, and Matusa seemd a bit too old for the job. I got Ivan, and i rode the shit out of it, trying to get as much fun and experience as i could gather before holliday season. Hell after i got it i did a lot of crazy shit: i took my first ride with the... what's it called? the small scale comunist version of a ferry. The Chiciu bac. It was then i had the chance/privilege to see a red hills and fields of puppies. TONES OF IT!!!I must admit if after some randome corner i would have bumped in to a masked fellow holding an AK47 i would have not been so surprised. If you ever have the chance to ride in Dobrogea go for your life. It's a travel back in time... If you can do that with a vehicle that's not leaking engine oil it's even better. Anyway... another interesting thing that came from that trip was that i found out i can fit my body on the first lane of a seconddistrict road, and alex can preetymuch fit on the second lane too,

In the meantime work continued to suck bigtime.

Ivan's oil leak got worse, so i took it to Suca's for a fix. He fixed the oil leak but he failed to fix the black sense of humor of the bike. It broke down on a friday evening on the way to the seaside? where? in the middle of the highway just next to a bush that was hosting an obscene amount of mosquitos. I guess it was then that i was brought back to earth and i realised i;m not bulletproof and neither is the bike i was planing to tour europe on. I can tell you it was a fucking sour taste, but what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. by saturday next morning(6am) i got ivan in bucharest and i also got to the seaside with matusa. Madness is the word appropriate for that experience.

Not too far after that, i also had the chance to count all the five Encap stars of my car, managing to do a 68000 ron damage to it. Sad enough the tree didn't make it ether. having performed this operation successfully i found out the hard way why everybody hates insurance companies. FUCK BCR

yes work continued to suck.

did mention the rain? ooooh it rained like shit in 2010... i did a brief calculation and the results were quite stunning. In about 10000km of motorbike riding i drank about 4 liters of rain watter. IT IS NOT TASTY!!! before you call me crazy note that surubel drank just as much.
Also know that if you want to send away any rain cloud you need to have a rain suite. a tight one... one that takes 15 minutes to put on. How does it work? simple. you see the storm closing in, you pull over, you start putting it on and you get to do the gayest thing: helping a riding buddy put on his rain suite. in return he does the same for you, you sweat like a pig, you soak your tshirt wet with sweat, finish dressing up... and by the time you're done the rain clouds will simply vanish. take off the rain suite later on and it will start raining within the next 10 minutes. Sometimes around spring i had an interesting experience called... Lilieci vant puternic, cuafura rezista. I witnesed and bearly made it thorugh the wildest rain and thunderstorm i've seen in years. Tuesday night i think. i left for lilieci with surubel... felt like 'seconds to disaster' series.

despite the whole rain thing work was still sucking strong!

I'm not a big fan of my birthdays. so i decided i want to celebrate my birthday in Greece far from the world i know... how did i get to greece? RIDING A BIKE I DID NOW KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT.
My first ktm, my pride and joy. Madness would simply not cover it. Everybody i knew including Suca and Surubel told me it's a dumb irresponsible thing to do. somebody up there probably said i've had my load of shit, and it's about time i get a break before i get a new one.
Lovely hollyday; fucking long trip. 780km in 10 hours... it tore my ass into pieces.

If i mention greece i also have to mention 2010 as being the BEE year. I am ... or at leas i use to be alergic to bee stings. on my way home from the seaside once, a bee sneeked up my trouser leg and as i was standing in line to pay for gas... i felt a shap pain in my right butt chick. the fucking thing bit my ass.there i am 5 minutes later taking off my pants in a gas station to see what happened. Another time i was riding on the highway and i suddenly see this bee on my helmetscreen, and i was amased by how strong the bee was holding on(mind you i was doing abotu 120kmh). as i try to take it off and i run my hand across the screen i realise the bee is inside the helmet. THAT WAS FUN.
and as i was touring bulgaria trying to get to greece, i had my jaket zipped up, and my neck arici strapped. Between those 2 there was a small hole... less then 5mm wide. Guess what i hit while riding? yes, i hit a bee. where did it hit me? in that ridiculously small hole. did it sting me? oooooh yeah.

Greece was nice but work continued to suck.

I also decided it's time to take a break in my dancing career, if i may call it as such. That was really a tough call to make, and a hard one to swallow, but in fact it was the right thing to do. looking back at it now, although there are some who are strongly disapproving, i learned some valuable lessons about friendship and honesty... you can only imagine, that since my name is vlad... i learned that the hard way.

Work was sucking storng!!!!

By late fall, redesigning the apartment and the Rezidentiat thing, kept Surubel's hands full, and there i was pretty much on my own again. Then one idle saturday chance simled at me and introduced me to another trusty fellow rider. Brian... believe it or not, he was there all along, but it had to get to november to be able to get him venturing out on the dirtroads and forests of lilieci. He helped me learn a very valuable lesson. Doing 90 kmh on a dirtditch without proper tires and training leads to serious falls. What was it like? Bum pain, ground sky ground sky ground sky sky long moun... KTM is not a bike it's a lightweight tank. After the fall i picked it up I went back on it and enjoyed the rest of the day. apart from some scratches noting happened to it. Unfortunately i can;t say the same about my hip.
However... after managing to get IVAN stuck in knee deep mud and have me drag it out of there, after taking some awsome rides in the forest, after being able to make it up thoes hills... esspecially that particular time, Brian brought me the closest i could ever get to knowing what it's like to have a cooler older brother which i always wanted but i never had. One i can share and do all the wacky crazy shits that pop into my mind. i have been staring at this sheet for the last 15 minutes and i can't find the right words to describe how awsome that feeling was. So i guess thanks are in order here!!!
i hope that that was only the beginning, and the rest will follow. from london to tokyo via kazahstan mongolia and siberia a respectable young gentelman and one fucked up adrenaline junkie will tour their bikes and push them to their limits. I don;t know about you, but I like the sound of that. Smells like danger and tastes like votka...

work sucked some more.

It was not long before winter came to ruin everything... The first snow came and went... and i kept riding to work. YOU SIMPLY CAN NOT IMAGINE the faces of people i was riding past. From anger to pity and total surprise i saw everything. i shocked everybody from work, i shocked suca, i shocked surubel... in a few words everybody said im taking this to far, and nuts is no longer doubt, but a mear fact when it comes to my state of mind. I on the other hand i thought i have everything under control, and if i managed the first day of snow and ice... i can manage anything.
You can only imagine this lasted for just 2 weeks. one day i was riding to work, this fellow breaks out of the blue, i try to avoid hitting him and as i gently touch the breaking leaver... the bike flies from under me and smashes into the chav's Santa Fe. The car's rear bumper was toast... the bike had but a few scratches on the tank carbon fiber protection thing. It was then i decided that when the next snow will fall i will park my bike and start using cars subways trains or anything else similar to those.

besides the fact that work kept on sucking... now i can't even ride to work.... DISPLEASING!!!!!

So after summing up some funny figures related to 2010... i can only say that, although at that time everything seemed unbearable, tensed, unfair.... black magic bad karma, now when i look back at it, i have this great sense of achievement, and a strange stupid joy feeling springs from somewhere deep down inside. And as one of the anonimus readers told me at one point, i built up this bad habbit of running away from such things and emotions. Here i am trying not to do that, and sharing this small simple thing called joy with you.

and guess what? since work sucks... i can really really enjoy my coffee breaks and I take;em long:P"

Ce trebuia sa se auda la final direct in strada(n-a fost sa fie... next time maybe) se poate asculta tot aici... sau pe youtube:

So thank you all. promit sa mai fac si alta data